Alien Math #2

“Space Beat” has aliens that live as plants until they release their offspring seeds to the winds, and then they become mobile. So I thought I’d think up another Alien Math system. I’ll just put together a few example calculations for now, because I haven’t thought of all of the complexities yet, just the basic idea.

(Couldn’t get latex to work at all this morning).

2 e^(Pi * i / 2) <&>  1-1i = -2.2209 + 1.7659 i
2 e^(Pi * i / 2) (&) 1-1i = i

-3 <%> i = 0.9314 + 1.0784 i
-3 (%) i = i + 1

10 e^(Pi * i / 10) <?> 4 e^(Pi * i / 3) = 2.4322 + 0.5780 i
10 e^(Pi * i / 10) (?) 4 e^(Pi * i / 3) = 7.5105 + 0.8920 i

Most binary functions in Alien #2 have these <> and () versions. They generally behave very differently, but there are a few exception cases where they get the same value for a pair of inputs.There are a lot of other functions I’ll introduce next time as well.

2 <&> 2 = 4
2 (&) 2 = 4

10 <%> 100 = undefined

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